Journal Articles

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Work based learning: Italian adaptation of the Learning Potential of the Workplace scale BPA-Applied Psychology Bulletin (Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata), 67(284), 31-44.

Learning Climate and Innovative Work Behavior, the Mediating Role of the Learning Potential of the Workplace Vocations and Learning, 13, 263-280.

Information sharing and innovative work behavior: The role of work-based learning, challenging tasks, and organizational commitment Human Resource Development Quarterly, 30(3), 361-381.

Le comportement de « prise de parole » (voice) : validation de la version française de la mesure de Maynes et Podsakoff, Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 25(4), 221–239.

A Three‐way Interaction Model of Innovative Behavior, Task‐Related Learning, and Job Characteristics, Performance Improvement Quarterly, N.A., (N.A.), N.A.

Affective Commitment, Participative Leadership, and Employee Innovation: A Multilevel Investigation Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology , 35(2), 103-113.

Effects of beliefs, motivation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions: The moderating role of family support. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 21(3), 185-205.

Norm and Deviance-Seeking Personal Orientation Scale (NDPOS) Adapted to the Organisational Context Psychologica Belgica, 59(1), 393-415.