International Seminar: The research career in WOP by Prof. Christian Vandenberghe Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139, University of Bordeaux, France 7 Jan 2019 Advanced Research Training: Writing scientific papers in WOP by Prof. Adalgisa Battistelli Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139, University of Bordeaux, France 11 Jan 2019 International Seminar: LinkedIn and recruitment by Prof. Fransciska Krings Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139, University of Bordeaux, France 4 Mar 2019 International Seminar: Theoretical and methodological issues in WOP by Prof. Mirko Antino Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139, University of Bordeaux, France 10 Jan 2020 1 2
International Seminar: The research career in WOP by Prof. Christian Vandenberghe Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139, University of Bordeaux, France 7 Jan 2019
Advanced Research Training: Writing scientific papers in WOP by Prof. Adalgisa Battistelli Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139, University of Bordeaux, France 11 Jan 2019
International Seminar: LinkedIn and recruitment by Prof. Fransciska Krings Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139, University of Bordeaux, France 4 Mar 2019
International Seminar: Theoretical and methodological issues in WOP by Prof. Mirko Antino Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139, University of Bordeaux, France 10 Jan 2020