Our Team

Nicolas Bazine

PhD Student

Call: +33 5 57 57 31 75

Email: nicolas.bazine@u-bordeaux.fr

Léa Fréour

PhD Student

Call: +33 5 57 57 31 75

Email: lea.freour@u-bordeaux.fr / lea.freour@ulb.ac.be

Marco Peña Jimenez

PhD Student

Call: +33 5 57 57 31 75

Email: marco.pena-jimenez@u-bordeaux.fr / marcoedp@ucm.es

Guillaume R. M. Déprez

PhD, Associate Professor (Tenure)

Call: +33 5 57 57 31 75

Email: guillaume.deprez@u-bordeaux.fr

Nicola Cangialosi

PhD, Postdoctoral researcher

Call: Not available

Email: nicola.cangialosi@unifi.it

Carlo Odoardi


Call: Non available

Email: carlo.odoardi@unifi.it

Sabine Pohl

Full Professor

Call: +32 02 650 32 87

Email: spohl@ulb.ac.be

Jean-Sébastien Boudrias

Full Professor

Call: +1 514 343-2344

Email: jean-sebastien.boudrias@umontreal.ca

Christine Lagabrielle

Full professor

Call: +33 56 15 04 825

Email: marie-christine.lagabrielle@univ-tlse2.fr

Juan Pablo Román Calderón

Full professor

Call: (57) 4 2619500 ext 9494

Email: jromanca@eafit.edu.co

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